We offer consultancy in labor proceedings and preventive analysis, particularly to identify critical aspects and suggestions for human resources policies, intensively participating in the development of labor and employment structures. 

Our practice covers themes such as: 

  • Review and drafting of labor agreements (also for the hire of foreigners);
  • Structuring of jobs and salaries;
  • Planning of work shifts;
  • Profit sharing plans;
  • Stock option programs;
  • Fringe benefits;
  • Private pension plans;
  • Outsourcing processes;
  • Advice on safety and health at the work site issues;
  • Negotiation of collective labor agreements (bargaining agreements, collective agreements ratified by the labor courts and strikes) aimed at improving relations with the labor unions;
  • Strategies to prevent and mitigate labor contingencies, estimating the risks of contingencies and labor audits.

Our practice includes labor litigation at all court levels, seeking to maximize the use of information and resources, and also services such as handling collective labor lawsuits, mediation, collective bargaining, verbal defense and appeals to the higher labor courts.

areas of practice